

I have had the honour of being published extensively across wide and varied publications.   In addition to media articles, I have also written many parliamentary submissions on behalf of numerous environmental organisations.

Below, I provide a sample of some of the articles I have had published across a variety of mediums.  I also include a sample of articles published by my PGAP co-host Mark Allen.

I was invited to be guest author on the PMC blog. My contribution explores how high and rapid population growth may actually exaceberate inequality, state capture and host of other social justice concernsIndependent Australia.

Population Media Center

In 2018, my article “The overpopulation of Australia: We're running out of time” became the most widely read article for that year.  This has been my singular biggest literary achievement to date.

The Overpopulation of Australia

My most recent article “Population growth fuelling the housing crisis fire” has also been extensively read and commented on.

Population growth fuelling the housing crisis fire


You can visit my author profile at Independent Australia, where I have had 15 articles published over the past five years on a diverse range of topics including urban planning, the perils of exponential growth and alternatives to GDP economic models.

Michael Bayliss Profile - Independent Australia

YourLifeChoices Journal

YourLifeChoices Journal is Australia’s premiere online media outlet for senior and retired persons.  I have had several articles published by YLC, in addition to being a guest on their podcast in 2022.  Below is my favourite of my articles written for them.

Should we rethink a Big Australia for World Population Day?


The Overpopulation Project

I’ve had two articles published in TOP.  This includes “Why global support for contraception is critical in the pandemic age” which I wrote in anticipation of World Contraception Day in 2020.

Why global support for contraception is critical in the pandemic age


I have published several articles in Medium, including for the ‘Ending Overshoot’ Blog.  My favourite of these has to be “My Manifesto for a Post-Growth World” which is the closest I’ve got to explain my broader vision on systemic change in writing.

My Manifesto for a Post-Growth World


Mark Allen

You can find out more about Mark’s work at the Holistic Activism website.  As well as being an excellent co-host for PGAP, he has also written some fantastic articles on urban planning system change recently, published at Independent Australia.  You can read these below:

Why the housing crisis is here to stay

Economic reform vital to solving housing crisis