
There is almost no multi-media project I haven’t had a crack at!  Over the past five years I have amassed quite a vast portfolio both in front of and behind the camera.  

If you or your community group need any assistance with promotional film making, I am more than happy to help. Living in Albany WA, I am available for any project in South-West WA or I can help online with video editing. Contact me for more information!

Below are just a few of the highlights.

My most recent project has been making a short campaign video for Friends of Yakamia Forest Boodja in Albany, Western Australia. This has been my first major film project for several years due to COVID and lockdowns and I did wonder whether I could still remember how to operate my video camera! Thankfully I could, and the video has been since treasured by ‘Friends Of Yakamia’ and championed by Albany’s state MP.

One of my most successful campaigns (so far) was as project manager for the short animation “The Endless Growth Paradigm”. Considering this video was made on a shoe-string and shared by word of mouth, I’m quite pleased with the 10, 400 YouTube views,  in addition to the many more thousands of social media views and heated Reddit discussions. Big thanks to Mark Allen from ‘Town Planning Rebellion’ for co-writing the script with me and Perpetual Motion Pictures for their animation alchemy.

I was comissioned by Torbay Catchment Group to film and record a really fantastic workshop: “How to Create an Eco Orchard”. Four very educational videos may be seen on the Torbay Catchment Group YouTube Channel, the one I’m sharing included a tour of Oranje Tractor near Albany, where this workshop was held.

Another successful video project with me behind the camera and the editing desk was the 2020 short documentary “Talking Heads: Choosing to have children...or not!”

Sometimes when I’ve really gone bananas, I’m both behind AND in front of the camera.  In this episode of ‘Tough Crowd’ I interview comedian and national treasure Rod Quantock, in what turns out to be a sobering and darkly comic outlook limits to growth and the future of humanity.  You have been warned!

And finally, I’d like to finish off with an audience footage of my introduction to the Melbourne Premiere screening of esteemed documentary ‘8 Billion Angels’,  taken at the Transitions Film Festival in February 2020,  just before the first lockdowns!