Sustainable Population Australia (SPA)


Ah, sustainable population.  Is there a more vexed and controversial issue out there in the environmental movement?  (In my opinion, veganism just nudges ahead of population into first place).   I should know!  Population sustainability has pretty much become my ‘niche’,  as current Communications Manager for Sustainable Population Australia (SPA),  former VicTas Branch President for SPA,  and former Melbourne political candidate for ‘Sustainable Australia Party.’  Trust me,  I know what the critics think of overpopulation and have been at the receiving end time and again.  Once could say I’ve heard it all!

So why take on this mantle that was described by several activists as a ‘poisoned chalice’.  Why not put my energies into something ‘nicer’ like a quite coal or divestment campaign and win more friends (and probably more public recognition).

My take on the population issue is that it is an essential component of the post-growth movements.  It is not the ONLY or even the most important contributor to our current environmental woes,  as consumption, inequality and technology all play an equal or even greater role.  However, due to the fact that population sustainability is still widely misunderstood,  the issue requires ongoing attention and TLC  until society can broadly discuss the issue openly and sensibly.

My own take on population is that it should be discussed within the framework of a vision of a post-growth society,  that does not rely on endless GDP growth or aggregate human activity in order to function.  With that framework,  I believe population sustainability becomes a lot more palatable.  

Within a global context,  it is all about working cooperatively with communities, women and girls from across the globe to ensure that they can easily and voluntarily access education,  family planning and reproductive health services without being impeded by barriers such as poverty,  distribution or social blockages that arise from certain religions or patriarchal societies.  Once these are in place, birth rate goes down of its own accord.

In Australia the situation is a little different.  Our political and economic systems are still addicted to population growth as a lazy way of growing the economy on the behalf of narrow business interests.  Closer to home,  it is a matter of debunking the ‘ageing population crisis’  myths,  allowing a demographic transition toward a population that is slightly older and slightly shrinking,  and not allowing our national population policy to be influenced by property developers,  big business and big finance.

I bring this perspective with me to all aspects of my work including SPA and I firmly believe this has been of boon to broader public discourse on the issue and to the profile of SPA itself.

A key driver for me is to open up the conversation on population to engage as broad a cross-section of the community as possible to the table.  To that end, I have been dedicated in promoting migrant,  First Nations and global south perspectives on this issue.  The fruits of these labours can be found on the “Diversity and Social Inclusion” page of the SPA website:

Diversity and Social Inclusion


It is important to note that population growth is a concern shared by all Australians, including first generation migrants.  I am particularly proud of a video I produced for SPA, detailing the struggles experienced by the Indian community in Melbourne’s outer growth corridors.

Migrant perspective - infrastructure and population growth in Melbourne


Of all the current impacts of population growth, the housing crisis is the most current and pertinent issue.  I believe the federal government’s drive to boost population growth at a time when most Australians are being priced out of housing is not a wise strategic move.  More detail can be found on the ‘Housing Crisis’ page, but I do encourage you to consider taking further action on this issue.  One way you can take action is to sign SPA’s position statement, which calls for a stabilised Australian population, maintained safely within ecological limits.

SPA position Statement


You may also wish to visit the SPA ‘DoGooder’ campaign, which automates a letter to you Federal MP based on your address.  Note this is only relevant for Australian residents.

Tell your MP to end the housing crisis by ending population growth